Hungry Invader...
On my morning walk through the Tree Orchid i noticed shiny little bugs sitting on my apple tree snacking on the almost transparent...
Plums, Plums and more Plums....
Once again we are picking plums, and boy let me tell you there are a lot. After making several batches of Plum Spread they are still...
Jam time is upon us...
Since we finally discovered the first fruits peaking through the toothed edges of our Strawberry leaves. There is an instant thought...
It's not a Honey Bee...
Mason Bees... gentle and amazing pollinators. We were always talking about having bees but in our current location it is not reasonable...
The wait has an end.. Spring is here!!!
Today was the perfect day to take a little walk around the yard and admire the beautiful fruit trees in bloom. A warm sunny spring day...
Trees are here...
Since we cut down the huge black Walnut trees in February i now have a large area to plant more trees at *big grin* so it has been...