Plums, Plums and more Plums....
Once again we are picking plums, and boy let me tell you there are a lot. After making several batches of Plum Spread they are still plenty left so what to do now? Well seemed like the kids had tons of ideas what to make out of the rest. So not only did they eat them fresh, we also made plum puree, plum streusel cake and plum cake in a jar.
I got to give it to them thou every single idea turned out super delish and i am totally looking forward to the next harvest, which in the rate the plums are ripening should be in a week.
Unfortunately the high winds and late frost we had this spring knocked down a lot of the apricots and peach flower buds or we probably would've had a lot of them too. But not to worry there is always
going to be a next season and i have a feeling it is going to be amazing. Especially since we have all the new ideas now what to do with them.
As usual if you guys have any ideas you want to share as in what you like making with your harvest please share, we love hearing from y'all..